Sunday, January 25, 2009

Coach Doss (Bill)

I graduated from Briarcrest High School in 1979. This weekend a group of guys are going to celebrate a group of men that were influential in our lives during our high school years.  These men were the Coaches.  Football, Basketball, Baseball, Cross Country, Track.  Back in those days we did not have La Cross, or swimming, and Soccer was just beginning to gain momentum in the South. I only played football as a freshman, looking back I regret not playing every year, however, my real passion was running track.  It was because of my desire to run and compete in track that I met coach Doss.  During the spring of my freshman year I decided to ask coach Doss if I could go out for the track team.  I remember being very frightened by coach Doss and it was a small milestone just to muster the courage to ask.  He agreed to let me try and from that moment on I was determined to do my best.  As it turned out, like most coaches, coach Doss was more than willing to help me provided that I tried to help myself.  This man was determined to insure that every individual on the team that put out the effort would succeed.  I mention succeed, not win.  He taught me that winning did not equate to success.  Oftentimes I did win, oftentimes my name was in the paper as a winner, but success is more than just being in first place.  Success embodies doing your best, if you win then great, but if you tried your best and did not come in first, your could still experience success.  Back in those days a coach did not make much money, especially at a private school.  I remember he drove a Volkswagen Beetle during a time when most of the kids at Briarcrest drove cars much more expensive than a Beetle.  Coach Doss would meet me on Saturday Mornings at Haley Stadium to spend individual time with me.  He did not receive extra pay, he did not have to instill into me a discipline to achieve, but it was part of his nature.  To him it was the right thing to do. This man invested in my life.  This man saw in me a potential to succeed and cultivated the desire to do so. I will forever be grateful to coach Doss for the impact that he made in my life.  I am confident that I am not the only man who could extol the positive influence that this man made on individual lives. 

I do not know if coach Doss will ever read this blog, but if he does I want him to know that I appreciate his character, I appreciate his example, I will forever be indebted to him for the investment he made in my life.   You are one of my heros.  I could not be at the reunion, but if I were, I would not be ashamed to give coach Doss a heartfelt embrace and tell him face to face that I loved him and thank him for giving to me an example to follow. You're the best! 

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